The Death of Innocence

by Paxton Mobley
The Death of Innocence
Paxton Mobley
Painting - Oil On Canvas 1999
I created this image during my senior year in college. It was a massive 4 foot by 8 foot painting on wood. It did not survive the trip out to California so many years later I recreated it on a smaller 10" x 20" canvas. The painting depicts the progression of the death of the childhood innocence we have in the beginning that slowly goes away as we grow up. The windows portray the idea that as we learn more our view of life becomes clearer but with that clarity things might loose some of their beauty like the tree loosing its leaves as the curtain slowly reveals more of the view. The figures portray the loss of this innocence with a zebra rocking horse slowly turning into a generic faceless stick figure as the its stripes become different sized symbolizing a child being taught right from wrong.
August 4th, 2016